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English Official Language - Levels

Following is a description of levels in terms of speaking, reading comprehension and written expression. This information is taken directly from the website of the Public Service:

Level A
  • Oral Proficiency:
    Can understand most speech that deals with concrete and routine topics and is delivered slowly and clearly in standard speech. Can make self understood in short contributions, even though pauses and false starts are very evident. Can talk about everyday aspects of routine activities and can handle a simple question-and-answer exchange. Has sufficient basic vocabulary and grammatical structures to conduct routine transactions involving familiar situations and topics. Structures and vocabulary borrowed from another language can interfere with the clarity of the message. Pronunciation requires close attention from the listener, but there are no long stretches that are unclear.
  • Writing Abilities:
    Ability to write very limited units of information; ability to write isolated words, phrases, simple statements or questions on very familiar topics using words of time, place or person.
  • Reading Abilities:
    Ability to understand texts on topics of limited scope; ability to understand very simple texts and grasp the main idea of texts about familiar topics; ability to read and understand elementary points of information such as dates, numbers or names from relatively more complex texts in
Level B
  • Oral Proficiency:
    Can understand the main points of clear standard speech that deals with concrete, work-related topics and is delivered at normal speed. Can give a simple description of a concrete topic, can explain main points comprehensibly and can compare and discuss alternatives when complications arise. Can speak with some spontaneity, although pauses for grammatical and lexical planning and repair are evident in longer stretches. Has sufficient vocabulary and a variety of simple structures to handle concrete, non-routine situations and topics and can link a series of simple elements into a connected sequence when giving a factual description. There may be miscommunication in some areas, but most stretches are clear. Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be understood, despite an evident accent from another language. Listeners will, at times, need to ask for repetition or clarification.
  • Writing Abilities:
    Ability to write short descriptive or factual texts; ability to write with sufficient mastery of grammar and vocabulary to deal with explicit information on work-related topics.
  • Reading Abilities:
    Ability to understand most descriptive or factual material on work-related subjects; ability to grasp the main idea of most work-related texts, locate specific details and distinguish main from subsidiary ideas.
Level C
  • Oral Proficiency:
    Can understand linguistically complex speech that deals with work-related topics and is spoken in standard dialect at normal speed. Can give clear, detailed descriptions of complex topics and can summarize a discussion. Can express and sustain opinions and can respond to complex and hypothetical questions. Has a fairly natural and even delivery, with occasional hesitations, but most hesitations are for ideas. Has a broad range of vocabulary and structures when talking about complex and abstract topics, with a relatively high degree of control. Makes errors, but these rarely lead to misunderstanding. Pronunciation is clear, even if an accent from another language is noticeable. Occasional mispronunciations occur, but they rarely interfere with communication.
  • Writing Abilities:
    Ability to write explanations or descriptions in a variety of informal and formal work-related situations; ability to write texts in which the ideas are developed and presented in a coherent manner; ability to write texts in which vocabulary, grammar and spelling are generally appropriate and require few corrections.
  • Reading Abilities:
    Ability to understand texts on a wide variety of work-related topics; ability to understand most complex details, inferences and fine points of meanings;ability to read with good comprehension specialized or less familiar material.